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Pull Your Socks Up this 2017 !


What is it about New Years that gives Hope?

I almost feel the world starts buzzing from a week before 31st December of the calendar year till about mid January of the New Year with ideas on resolutions to make, dreams to achieve, miles to go…

Most of us have gone through years with or without new year resolutions, in a sort of haze through life. Till some event shakes us up or one fine day you wake up realizing the years have slipped away and you don’t seem to have ‘achieved’ much, let alone FELT alive as all the ‘gurus’ out there say you ‘should’ be feeling when you wake up each morning.

So when a New calendar year kicks in, it’s as if our Soul begins reaching for something Higher, Better, more “DIFFERENT” than before. We want to feel that ALIVENESS, that excitement of another chance at doing things in a more fulfilling manner, and DOING things that make our Soul Smile.

This “Different” thing or goal or element that we want, could well be because so many of us when we were in our 20s and just entering the real world, had a certain belief about not just what to do career wise, but also about ‘how to live’ – the usual dreams most of us had – to work, make money, find a partner, settle down, have kids.. well some of that is achieved and some of that changed along the way. And some of us were satisfied with achieving them and some of us got pain.

Whatever be the case, I know I want Change in 2017 – in myself, in my schedule, in my career, in my relations.. i could go on but you get the picture!

Is it going to be easy? Maybe, maybe not. But take that small step, my friend.

So what can help in bringing this change in your life?

Step 1. MAKE A BLUEPRINT –  Decide what area(s) you want change in.

Step 2. SELECT ONE –  It’s far easier to focus your energy into one area/goal than many.

Step 3. GO SIMPLE & SMALL –  Little things you do daily are where your power to change lies.

There are of course so many more resources and tools you could use. And many hire personal trainers and coaches to help with this process. Just know that what works for many may not necessarily work for you!

And sometimes Looking within one’s Self is all we need to take that one step, that one INTENTION is all you need to pull your socks up!

Here’s to a HAPPY & EMPOWERING 2017 !


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